Articles / Electrical
5 Essential Electrical and Plumbing Tips for Homeowners this Easter long weekend
28 March 2024

Happy Easter! Don’t let plumbing or electrical problems get in the way of you having an egg-cellent Easter with your friends and family. With all the activity Easter brings to the home, it’s important to ensure your electrical and plumbing systems are running smoothly. Read on to follow our expert’s advice on how to help avoid 5 common electrical and plumbing household problems.
1. Prevent Kitchen Clogs
A common problem not just at Easter but anytime during the year, is kitchen sink clogging. It’s easy when hosting, to forget to protect your kitchen plumbing system. By correctly disposing of grease, coffee grounds or eggshells you can help prevent the pipes clogging up. To run preventative maintenance, run cold water for a few seconds to help flush any clogging down the drains.
If you do come across a blocked drain in your home, call your local O’Brien Plumber and the team will work efficiently to solve the problem. Our plumbers are equipped with all the equipment needed to solve the problem, so you can rest assured O’Brien Plumbers will find a solution for your home.
- Avoid Electrical Overloads
The first electrical hazard our experts want to warn you about is heavy appliance use. Easter gatherings often involve multiple appliances running at once. Avoid overloading circuits by using one high-wattage appliance at the same time. Plug in appliances such as microwaves, toasters, dishwashers and kettles, each draw around 5-10 amps each and are generally on the same kitchen circuit protected by a 16 amp or 20 amp circuit breaker, so if all these are going at once, it’s likely you will overload the circuit.
Secondly, extension cords require inspection for damage before use. We recommend avoiding overloading the powerboards and examining your extension cords. Regularly visually inspect your extension leads and if the plugs are damaged or insulation is exposed, throw it out and replace. When shopping, shop for powerboards with the appropriate amp rating for the appliance and ensure they have an overload switch.
- Tackle Minor Leaks
Leaking can take place in a variety of places around the home. Keep an eye out for drips under sinks and around toilets. If you fix a small leak, it can prevent it from becoming a larger problem in the future. These can usually be repaired using DIY leak fixing kits from your local hardware store. For larger leaks and for secure solutions that last, we recommend calling your local O’Brien Plumbing expert.
- Test Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Easter is a time for cooking, so ensure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order. Some alarms have an expiry date of 10 years, so it’s important to make sure they are running efficiently. For smoke alarm installation, testing and maintenance book an inspection time with your local O’Brien Electrician. We recommend replacing batteries at daylight savings time so it’s done annually.
- Know When to Call a Professional
If you experience any of the following problems e.g. slow draining water, low water pressure and any strange noises or smells coming from your plumbing this may indicate complex issues. Electrical watch-outs include short circuits, loose connections or flickering lights.
If you’re facing a larger electrical or plumbing issue like sparks or a major plumbing leak, don’t hesitate to call a qualified O’Brien electrician or plumber.
How can the O'Brien Local Experts Help?
O’Brien Electrical & Plumbing experts help to identify any potential electrical and plumbing hazards around your home. Our electricians and plumbers can perform thorough inspections to check what home maintenance you require. Find your local expert by going to
Arrange an inspection and relax knowing you have taken the necessary precautions to help safeguard your home in preparation for this Easter long weekend.
O'Brien Electrical & Plumbing wishes you a safe and joyful Easter break.