Windscreen chips can happen at any time! And sometimes, you may not even notice they are there.
If your windscreen has a chip (or multiple chips), we highly recommend getting it fixed as soon as possible to reduce the chance of the chip spreading and potentially turning into a large crack. If this happens, the whole windscreen might need to be replaced, usually at a higher cost.
When can’t O’Brien® repair a windscreen chip?
Generally, most small chips can be repaired by our experts, however, it will usually depend on the size and location of the damage.
To determine whether your windscreen chip can be repaired by O'Brien®, there are a couple of questions that need to be considered:
- Is the chip located on the passenger side, and is all the damage less than the size of a $1 coin (roughly 2.5cm diameter)? If yes, the windscreen chip should be able to be repaired. If the damage is bigger than the size of a $1 coin, the windscreen chip cannot be repaired by O'Brien®.
- Is the chip located on the driver’s side (immediately in front of the driver), and all the damage less than the size of a 5c coin (roughly 2cm diameter)? If yes, the windscreen chip should be able to be repaired. If the damage is bigger than the size of a 5c coin, the windscreen chip cannot be repaired by O'Brien®.
- Is the chip located within 5cm of the edge of the windscreen? If yes, the windscreen chip cannot be repaired by O'Brien®.

To make it easier, we’ve put together a quick video explaining how our expert technicians assess a windscreen chip for repair and the factors they take into consideration. click here to view.
There are a few other reasons that repairs are not appropriate, including:
- The chip or damage has gone through more than a single layer of glass
- A previous repair (‘dull spot’) is too close to the new chip
- Too many previous repairs
- Chips in the shape of a bullseye or crater exceeding size limits
- Delamination has occurred
These are unusual cases and can only be assessed by viewing the screen. Our experts can do this for you before attempting a repair.
Please be aware that while it may seem easy, we do not recommend attempting to repair the chip using store-bought DIY repair kits. Some inferior resins deteriorate quickly, impacting the driver’s vision. Also, if you do not clean and prepare the damaged section correctly, or if the chip occurred a long time ago, the result can be unsatisfactory and, in some cases, even become a distraction whilst driving. If your attempt at a DIY repair is unsuccessful, our experts will not be able to remove the material that has been put onto the windscreen and repair the chip, so most likely, the windscreen will need to be replaced.
It is also important to note that whilst our expert technicians are trained to minimise the risk of a failed chip repair using our specialist tools, in some cases, the attempt to repair a windscreen can make the chip bigger through no fault of the technician. This is because the glass is curved and under pressure, so micro-cracks from the initial impact can extend and turn into a crack. If this happens, we will credit the cost of the chip repair you paid from the cost of a new windscreen from O'Brien®.
Remember, over time, many other resins deteriorate which may cause chips to reappear and turn into cracks, but our exclusive resin is designed to stay stronger for longer than ever, which is why we’re happy to give a guarantee for the lifetime of the vehicle, that our repair of that chip will not turn into a crack.