Power Pole Installation & Emergency Repairs
O’Brien Electrical Lake Macquarie provides installation and replacement of electrical power poles, both wooden and galvanised steel across Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the Hunter Valley. We offer emergency break down service, so you can count on us for any emergency repairs on your power pole.
Our fully qualified and experienced electricians can install new poles and run overhead aerials, replace defective poles and provide temporary builders poles. We have been providing electrical services for over 70 years so you can be sure that our pole installation and replacement work is done properly, safely and to the highest standards.
Power Pole Replacements
There are hundreds of thousands of private power poles across the Ausgrid & Essential Energy electrical networks. If you have a private power pole on your property, you are legally responsible for its maintenance and safety. O’Brien Electrical Lake Macquarie are able to replace or inspect any timber or galvanized steel private power poles.
What is a private power pole?
A private power pole is a connection between your home and the local electrical network. They are installed on your property and allow you to direct electricity to wherever you want it to be in your home. These can be permanently in place, or temporary poles can be erected for builders or other contractors who need an additional electricity supply for their work.
Signs Of Your Power Pole Needs Replacing
Timber and steel private power poles and need to be regularly inspected and properly maintained. If you notice any of these common defects you will need to organise repairs or tree trimming as soon as possible.
- Rotting poles – All poles must regularly be inspected above and below ground for any signs of deterioration. Rotting or rusting below ground can quickly cause poles to dangerously lean or fall down.
- Damaged poles – Damaged poles can fail and break in storm conditions or just over time. A qualified electrical contractor should check whether the pole should needs to be replaced.
- Split poles – Split or damaged poles can fail and break in storm conditions or over time.
- Leaning poles – Poles which lean excessively can cause wires to clash and powerlines to fail. This is a highly dangerous situation.
- Termite damage – Termite damage can severely degrade the structural integrity of a pole. All termite-infested poles need to be treated by a registered pest controller at the first sign of any damage.
- Rusting poles – Metal poles should be checked for rust above and below ground. Any unsafe poles must be replaced by a licensed electrical contractor.
Contact us today for high quality electrical services.